Coaching Management Software

Coaching Class’s requirements and solutions we have developed this TEZ CMS which will manage & grow your business to the next level. We have put our entire experience and customer requirement in this TEZ CMS to make complete solution for Coaching Management Software requirements.

we are providing you, yours every need, on one place

we evaluated coaching classes, educational institutes and find majorly needs of them, collected all needs in one place then we developed a software ( TEZ CMS ) for Coaching Centers and educational institutes.

one place tez cms
money management tez cms
Money and Manpower are very essential and important factors for better Management of an educational institute’s growth,
If you are having a team of 5 employee to managing your institute/coaching center.
TEZ CMS can manage entire your work with only one manpower, can save Money, manpower AND Time with proper record and Management.

remain responsive across devices

  • Enquiry management system
  • Expenses Management System
  • Registration Management System
  • Fees Management System

fall in love with TEZ CMS features


Enquiry and Followup

TEZ CMS helps to handle enquiry. you can easily manage records like filtering, export, printing. TEZ CMS automatically send a Welcome SMS to enquirer.

Power-search-filter TEZ CMS

Powerful Search Filters

All full-fledged reports with a filter & sort to generate custom reports as per need. Complete set of reports such as enquiries, registrations, expenses, due fees or batch wise & many more.

apply-any-time tez cms

Access Anytime, Anywhere

TEZ CMS Hosted on web (cloud technology), you can access anywhere, anytime (24/7).


Flexible module permission

TEZ CMS providing Flexible module permission to member for easy to decide roles of different-different members like Admin, receptionist, Accountant

Export reports on single click

Export reports on single click as student registered list, Due Fees list, enquiry list, expenses, Batch, Course wise list, Fees Deposit list and many more.

keep work organized

TEZ CMS well-organized with needed modules for coaching center and coaching classes.

Ease-Understanding tez cms

Easy to use interface

Perfect design & functional module are easy to understand & use. every modules and features organized well. only one time review you can easily understand and use all features, modules of TEZ CMS

Don't trust us, trust our clients

सॉफ्टवेअर या टूल एकबार बनाकर तो कोई भी डवलपर दे देगा...परंतु उसको कंपनी की आवश्यकता के अनुसार Customised करते रहने वाले बहुत कम ही डवलपर होते हैं...रोहित न केवल श्रेष्ठ,समयानुकूल व गति से चलने वाले सॉफ्टवेअर बनाते हैं बल्कि पूरे धैर्य के साथ आपकी आवश्यकताओं को सुन-समझकर उसको उत्तरोत्तर बेहतरीन बनाने का प्रयास भी करते रहते हैं।मृदुभाषी व कार्यकुशल रोहित जी व उनकी कंपनी समय पर,श्रेष्ठ,गति वाला व आपकी आवश्यकताओं के अनुरूप सॉफ्टवेअर बनाकर देने में सिद्धहस्त है।हम आपकी प्रोफेशनल सेवाओं से अत्यंत प्रभावित हैं। ’उत्कर्ष’ आपकी ‘उत्कृष्ट’ सेवाओं के लिए हमेशा आभारी रहेगा।
- निर्मल गहलोत ‘उत्कर्ष’

रोहित जी, आपका वर्क बहुत अच्छा हैं , आपके काम करने का तरीका भी काफी advance हैं, अधिकतर किसी शैक्षणिक संस्थान की जो समस्या होती है , वो आपको अच्छे से पता है तथा आप उन समस्याओं के लिए उचित समाधान भी प्रदान करा देते हैं ,
पहले हम ऑफ़ लाइन वर्क करते थे जिसमें काफी टाइम, पैसा, मेहनत लगती थी फिर भी काफी गलतियाँ हो जाती थी पर आपकी कंपनी TEZ INFOTECH के द्वारा बनाये गए सॉफ्टवेयर से सारथि एकडेमी को काफी लाभ हुआ है अब रिकार्ड्स को मैनेज करना आसान हो गया है.